Access and Password Recovery


Explanation of the functions of access, retrieve / obtain password and close the session.


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Access to recover key: go to login



To recover or obtain a password, you must first login to the website

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Access Forgot / have no Password



At the bottom locate the Forgot / have no Password?

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Enter the email and request recovery



Enter your current email in your account in the system, press 'Recovery' and verify that the system confirms that you found your email (green sign)

If the used mail is not found (red sign) try another. You can then in your account settings change the email to the one you want.

ID:(8342, 0)

Find password



The password is automatically sent to your email.

The 'sender' email is only used for this purpose so there is no point in directing queries. Use the contact indicated in the email to answer your questions.

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Execute login



Find the part that says 'Please login' and log in

• Your email with which you are registered in the system (*)
• Your password (**)

(*) If you have made a mail change, you must use the new one to enter.
(**) if you do not remember the password go to recovery below on the same page and use the functionality to recover

At the end you must select the validity time of the cookies. This is a record that is made on the computer you are using and that allows you for the time since the last time you navigate the system to access the system without having to re-login. It is recommended to use one hour on public computers so that if you forget to logout after one hour of inactivity, your data will no longer be accessible. If it is a private computer, you can choose a longer time to avoid having to perform the login frequently. If a certain time is not set, the system sets an hour.

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Note the warning that the minute you identify yourself with the system it records all the actions performed by the user:

This is done both to improve the way the system operates but also to check that it is working as it should. In particular, it is used before arbitrary affirmations to determine its veracity and to give additional opportunities to students or to deny facilities if it is determined that they do not correspond.

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Login as a user



Once you have entered your name appears on one of the buttons on the upper right side of the page. Each time you access and the time that has elapsed since the last time you access is less than the time you chose in the cookie, the system will indicate that you are connected to the button with your name.

If you want to access your account you must click on the button with your name.

It is important to note that only one user can be connected at a time per browser. There may be a second user only if he uses either another browser and / or the incognito mode. Entering a second page with another user may have confusion in data, leading to a recording action that ends up storing in the other account and not in which the information was sought to be registered.

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Select course



Once you have entered you must select the course you want to work on.

It should be noted that modifications of personal data are general, that is, they are not specific to the course in which they are accessed and modified.

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Modify personal data



If you wish to modify personal data, you must access Personal Data via GPS:

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Modify ID, nickname, email and / or password



The data that can be modified autonomously are:

• identification number
• alias or short name - of special interest if one in the system appears with all their names and prefers to be called by a particular one or a nickname
• mail you want to use - if it is modified it must be entered with the mail entered here
• password - must be entered twice to avoid typing errors

If you want to change the name, you must go to the administrator and justify the reason.

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Video: Key Access and Recovery