

The BSM method seeks to adapt education in both content and dynamics to what is the evolution of our society.

For this, what is visualized as the society is needed today and will have in the future to require education is explored. On this basis, the methods and tools are created to be able to adapt education.


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Evolution of our Society



Someday historians will describe the 20th century as the century when humanity went from an industrial era to one of information. In the industrial age the important thing was the industries and with it the operation of the machines while only a small elite studied. The information age brings a radical change, what is now 'operated' is information and for this the massification of education is required.

The concept of 'operating' information also points out that education is not sought, education is sought so that people will be able to use systems to obtain, process and use information. In other words, a large part of the training is oriented to information applicators, not to theorists or knowledge developers. The latter if they increase according to the need for technology but not to the same extent as the 'information operators'.

Finally, there is another factor of our society that is the cost and time issue. The world trend is that you have to train (need to find work), that one must bear the cost (in most countries the tendency is that the student pays) and that the benefit is increasingly reduced (salary difference). less). This leads to people seeking quality (assurance that they will be given work), security in which they will achieve the study (lower financial risk) and that the time is as short as possible (lowest cost).

In summary:

- massification of studies

- application oriented

- higher quality, lower cost and time

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Need in Teaching



#### Modernize Content

If you compare the syllables of the courses with similar ones of centuries ago you will see that these have changed little. This despite the fact that the sciences continue to advance and there are as many new subjects as there is more knowledge in traditional subjects. In order for this knowledge to be applied by the future professional, the corresponding topics in the courses must be included and developed according to the progress of science.

#### Restriction of Study Time

Apart from the increase of knowledge to be imparted, it is sought that the study time is not lengthened, which necessarily leads to a reduction of the time available to teach. This implies adapting the knowledge to impart so that they can communicate in a shorter time.

#### Reduced Academic Level

To this is added the overcrowding of teaching and with it the arrival in the classrooms of students with lower academic performance. In the past there was a pre-selection that reduced access to only high performance students. Today the student presents several limitations ranging from lack of practice to study, through poor preparation and reaching difficulties in understanding.

In summary:

We must be able to teach

* higher level in content

* in less time

* to lower level students (preparation and capacity)

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The objective of the class is the understanding of the knowledge to be supplied. Under understanding we understand that the person understands the conceptual bases, the practical capacities and the limitations of the tools that are associated to these concepts. The student must be able to understand when and how to apply what has been learned and know the limits of said knowledge.

To achieve this we work on two basic fronts;

* Understanding of concepts including knowledge of associated tools and

* the practical application of these.

The first is achieved with the classes, either face-to-face or to review their video version, written materials and verification checklists. The second is achieved through the development of cases and their supports as measurements (laboratory work), analysis and data processing tool (eg tracker), descriptions and form.

For more details, consult the development of said points.

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