Electric dipoles


When you have two equal charges but opposite sign we speak of a dipole. The field that generates a dipole is characteristic because the lines emerge from one of the charges and end in the other generating a closed pattern.


ID:(823, 0)

Dipole Moment


>Top, >Model

The di-polar moment depends on the Q charges and the distance d between them, being

$ P = r Q $

where P is the di-polar moment.

ID:(3863, 0)

Dipole Potential Energy


>Top, >Model

A dipole generates a potential that at a distance r under the angle \theta has a value

$ V =\displaystyle\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 \epsilon }\displaystyle\frac{ P \cos \theta }{ r ^2}$

where P is the di-polar moment.

ID:(3862, 0)

Dipole Structure



The dipole is constituted by two (di) electric charges equal in charge but of opposite sign. Thus they form an electric field with two poles that is a dipole.

ID:(1925, 0)