Zaider Minerbo Model Solution


>Top, >Model

The equation of the Zaider-Minerbo model:

$\displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial t}A(s,t)=(s-1)[bs-d-h(t)]\displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial s}A(s,t)$

The solution of this equation will allow us to calculate the TCP(t) since


Because we are looking for a solution for which


it can be shown that this is of the form




With this it can be shown that the TCP function is of the form:


The h function can be modeled with the L-Q model for the applicable dose history.

ID:(4706, 0)

Simulator Models Poisson and Zaider Minerbo



The following in a simulator that allows to calculate the TCP both under Poisson and Zaider Minerbo assuming two types of cells (birth rate, death, factors \alpha and \beta) dose and number of treatments:

ID:(8744, 0)

Correction to the Zaider Minerbo Model


>Top, >Model

The Zerider Minerbo model is based on the population equation


however the births can be conditioned by what the generalization of the model can be based on the more general equation:


Where the f function must be modeled separately.

ID:(4707, 0)